That Just Happened: Roseanne Barr Files For Presidential Run

That Just Happened: Roseanne Barr Files For Presidential Run No, you haven't mistakenly visited The Onion. Roseanne Barr - she who once gave her vagina a good tug after singing the National Anthem at a San Diego Padres game - has filed official papers to run for President of the United States.

Addressing her candidacy via Twitter, @therealroseanne claimed: "Vote for me, I'll fix this s***."

To her credit, Barr's views line up with how many media portray many voters as feeling toward issues like financial regulation and gay rights. She publicly backs 2011's headline-grabbing "Occupy Wall Street" movement supporting "the 99 percent" that feels trampled by the wealthy "1 percent."

For several years, she's also been an outspoken advocate favoring gay marriage's acceptance and legislative support across all 50 states.

"I will barnstorm American living rooms," Barr said. "Mainstream media will be unable to ignore me, but more importantly they will be unable to overlook the needs of average Americans in the run-up to the 2012 election."

She's also admitting right off the bat that this may not pan out. The Green Party Convention takes place this July in Baltimore, and Entertainment Weekly reports that Barr admits the party will probably nominate front-runner Jill Stein to run against President Barack Obama and a Republican to be nominated later. Still, she said, "until then, I'll serve.

It's well and good that the former star of ABC's classic sitcom "Roseanne" feels a sense of duty to stand by her beliefs, and many are beliefs worth the courage of her convictions. That being said . . . really, Rosie? No acknowledging that you'd apparently be the first presidential candidate to possibly have a comedy pilot picked up by NBC if "Downwardly Mobile" gets a series order?


P_blicity St_nt

Hmm. No, Pat, buying a vowel won't be necessary. However, shots are on me as soon as I solve this puzzle.

For more suggesting what we could expect from Barr as Commander in Chief, check out this interview from - I swear, we couldn't have scripted this better - Max KeiserĀ of "Russia Today" in which Barr discusses "Occupy Wall Street" and other causes close to her heart.