Julianne Hough Opens Up About Past Abuse

Julianne Hough Opens Up About Past AbuseDancing with the Stars” two-time winner Julianne Hough is opening up to Cosmopolitan magazine about her dark past.

Hough is openly admitting that she was abused as a child.

“Mentally, physically… everything,” the 24-year-old beauty has acknowledged.

The abuse began when Hough was 10, training to become a dancer in London at the Italia Conti Academy of Arts.

“I was a tormented little kid who had to put on this sexy facade because that was my job and my life," the star says. “But my heart was the same, and I was this innocent little girl. I wanted so much love."

Hough said that the situation only worsened "when [she] started hitting puberty.”

“When I started becoming a woman and stopped being a little girl.”

"The light about me was gone. I was just a dark person,” Hough adds.

However Hough won’t name her abuser, the person she claims “sucked the life” out of her.

"I'm a very forgiving person, and I don't want to hurt anybody. What's past is past."

She explains that her newest movie role hit close to home. She will be appearing in the newest Nicholas Sparks flick, “Safe Haven,” which features an abuse victim named Katie who must learn to overcome her past.

“I relate a lot to her. The fact that she had been in one situation that just sucked the life out of her – and it was a bad situation – and she needed to change and move on and kind of find her own again… And through that you find love and everything."