Julia Louis-Dreyfus Will Complete the Last Season of 'Veep'

Julia Louis-Dreyfus Will Complete the Last Season of 'Veep'

Selena Meyer wouldn't give up when faced with an unexpected obstacle, and the actress who plays her isn't going to, either. This week, the producers of Veep announced that Julia Louis-Dreyfus, who was diagnosed with breast cancer earlier this year, will be back to finish the final season of the series. Louis-Dreyfus is currently undergoing treatment, but she will be back at work as soon as she's able.

Via Page Six.

Julia Louis-Dreyfus won’t let cancer stand in the way of her completing the final season of HBO’s “Veep.”

During an appearance on SiriusXM’s “Press Pool” Wednesday, executive producer Frank Rich revealed the 56-year-old actress, who revealed she had been diagnosed with breast cancer in late September, plans to get back to work once she’s regained her strength.

“Julia is undergoing treatment for breast cancer, and we’re obviously postponing production of the show — we were supposed to have started now — while she’s in treatment,” Rich said. “But the expectation is that we will shoot again.”

“We have one more season we’re doing, which we’re incredibly excited about. Rather impressively, while we wait for her to gather her full strength, around her treatment we’ve been having with the cast in Los Angeles, table reads of scripts for the final season as they’re ready,” he continued.

Louis-Dreyfus completed a third round of chemotherapy earlier this month. Following her record-setting sixth consecutive Primetime Emmy win for her portrayal of former Commander in Chief, Selina Meyer, the actress announced her diagnosis on social media.

“1 in 8 women get breast cancer. Today, I’m the one,” she wrote at the time. “The good news is that I have the most glorious group of supportive and caring family and friends, and fantastic insurance through my union. The bad news is that not all women are so lucky, so let’s fight all cancers and make universal health care a reality.”

Get the rest of the story at Page Six.

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