Joss Whedon Accused of Abusive Behavior on 'Justice League' Set

Joss Whedon Accused of Abusive Behavior on 'Justice League' Set

Ray Fisher, one of the stars of Justice League, has accused director Joss Whedon of abusive and unprofessional behavior on the movie's set. As a result, WarnerMedia, the movie's studio, has launched an investigation of Whedon, the movie's producers, and the environment on the set during filming. Read on for details.

Via The Hollywood Reporter.

On July 1, Justice League star Ray Fisher wrote on Twitter that filmmaker Joss Whedon's "on-set treatment of the cast and crew of Justice League was gross, abusive, unprofessional, and completely unacceptable." He went on to claim producers Geoff Johns and Jon Berg had enabled the filmmaker, who oversaw reshoots after director Zack Snyder stepped down from the Warner Bros. film in May 2017.

On Thursday, Fisher wrote on Twitter that after five weeks of interviews with the cast and crew, WarnerMedia had "launched an independent third-party investigation to get to the heart of the toxic and abusive work environment created during Justice League reshoots."

The Hollywood Reporter has confirmed WarnerMedia is investigating Fisher's claims. Such an investigation is said to be standard practice following allegations about poor behavior on a set, with an insider stressing that the company is not pre-judging Whedon, Johns or Berg, and the inquiry is not limited to the three men. WarnerMedia is not giving a timeline for the investigation to be complete, and is conducting it in private.

Fisher, who played Cyborg in the film, has continued to speak out over the past weeks about his time on set, including at a live-streamed JusticeCon event in July, in which he said of Whedon, "The man is probably scared, and he should be, because we are going to get to the heart of everything."

Get the rest of the story at The Hollywood Reporter.

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