Jon Stewart Stopped Joking When He Talked About This Topic

Jon Stewart Stopped Joking When He Talked About This Topic Normally, "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" takes even the worst of news and turns it into something that we can laugh at, or at least with.

But when it comes to the death of Eric Garner, even Jon Stewart is out of jokes.

"I honestly don't know what to say," Stewart said while reporting on the story. "If comedy equals tragedy plus time, then I need more f--king time."

The case of Eric Garner was lost somewhat in the media's attention while the case of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO, played out. Garner, a black man living in New York City, died during an arrest when an NYPD put him in a chokehold...a maneuver banned by the NYPD.

Video was released of Garner's arrest, which showed him arguing with police before putting his hands up and submitting to arrest. At that point, he is placed in the chokehold and complains of not being able to breathe. Garner passed out and was later pronounced dead.

The coroner in the case ruled Garner's death a homocide, but a grand jury just released the officers involved without any indictment, meaning there will be no court case...the same result as with the Michael Brown case but under very different circumstances.

"What is so utterly depressing is that none of the ambiguities that existed in the Ferguson case exist in the Staten Island case," Stewart said. "And yet the outcome is exactly the same."

Stewart continued to drop F-bombs and rant about the hopelessness of race issues in America, without adding any of his trademark humor to the speech.

"We are definitely not living in a post-racial society," he said.

Watch the video below: