Johnny Lewis' Toxicology Results

Johnny Lewis' Toxicology Results Whether this makes the news better or worse is up for debate, but a few questions, at least, have been answered regarding the strange murder/suicide incident that left “Sons of Anarchy” star Johnny Lewis dead.

Medical examiners announced their findings on the star’s body, and determined that the troubled actor was not on drugs when he killed his 81-year-old landlady, Catherine Davis, and her cat. The actor then fell off the roof of his building, either taking his own life, or accidentally dying while fleeing the scene of the crime.

The clean toxicology report doesn’t answer a lot of questions about the odd case, but it’s a start. Rumors were circulating that Lewis was addicted to “smiles.” Although that does sound all warm and fuzzy, it’s actually a synthetic drug crossing an amphetamine and psychedelic. However Lewis’ system was clean of any drugs, medical or otherwise, as well as alcohol.

The autopsy did reveal nail marks on Lewis’ neck and evidence that he had been slightly strangled, indicating that his victim had fought back against the attack that left her dead.

Lewis had a long history of mental trouble, and had been released from jail not long before the unfortunate incident occurred for a drug-related arrest. He had been arrested three times the past year.

There was no question of him posing a danger to others. His probation officer was quoted as saying he was “very concerned for the well-being of not only the community but that of the defendant” when addressing a case of Lewis trying to break into a woman’s home.

The same case noted Lewis had a chemical dependency and mental health issues.