Johnny Depp Compares Photoshoots to Being Raped

Johnny Depp was plenty talkative in a recent interview with Vanity Fair, touching on everything from "Pirates of the Caribbean" to Harvey Weinstein to... rape?

Yep, it was probably bad enough that Depp said that the money he got for the "Pirates" franchise was "stupid," and that he accused Weinstein of killing a great movie ("The Libertine"). But then Depp started talking about photo shoots, and made a mistake that we've seen before when celebrities talk about cameras.

"Well, you just feel like you’re being raped somehow. Raped ... It feels like a kind of weird -- just weird, man," said Depp in the interview. "But whenever you have a photo shoot or something like that, it’s like -- you just feel dumb. It’s just so stupid."

Just so everyone is clear on the rules here: don't compare someone to Hitler unless they have also committed a genocide, and don't compare something as mundane as having your picture taken to being raped.

One would think that those two rules would be pretty easy to follow, but we've seen people make the same mistakes again and again. Hank Williams Jr. just had his "Monday Night Football" intro pulled because he compared President Obama to Hitler, and just last year we saw Kristen Stewart make a similar comparison to Depp's, saying that dealing with the paparazzi is like being raped.

Depp truly took things to another level here, though. Stewart was at least talking about the overly aggressive, incredibly trashy and invasive practices of the paparazzi, while Depp was just referring to voluntarily working a shoot for a magazine.

Of course, people tend to misspeak. I'm sure Depp meant no harm, and should a fuss be raised, I'm sure he will offer an apology. But let's not throw the R-word around when it's completely inapplicable to the situation, shall we?