John Oliver Rants Against Pumpkin Spice Everything [VIDEO]

John Oliver Rants Against Pumpkin Spice Everything [VIDEO] In his new role as host of "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver," we've seen John Oliver rant about a lot of important subjects: Ferguson, MO, the Miss America pageant scholarship fund, etc.

But Oliver is finally tackling a topic that affects us all: pumpkin spice.

Specifically, Oliver railed against the annual tradition of putting pumpkin spice in just about everything, a practice that seems to have gotten worse this year.

It's understandable: Starbucks has made the Pumpkin Spice Latte a yearly event, despite the fact that most of the world's population seems to strongly dislike the drink.

But now that there's pumpkin spice hummus (yes, that's a real thing), Oliver had to step in.

"Pumpkin spice is just eggnog for morning people, OK?" Oliver says. "And I will be subject to its tyranny no longer! It stops here!"

Do you agree with Oliver that Pumpkin Spice Lattes are "coffee that tastes like a candle," or are you a fan of the trendy drink?

Check out the video below: