John Oliver Has a Warning for French Voters

John Oliver Has a Warning for French Voters

John Oliver want French voters to be very, very careful in their upcoming election. Current president François Hollande is not running for reelection, so France is currently choosing from a field in which the two frontrunners are center-left candidate Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, president of the far-right National Front. “Honestly, she is the main reason you should be invested in this election,” Oliver said of Le Pen on Last Week Tonight.

Oliver warned French voters that their choices in the upcoming presidential race would have repercussions far outside the borders of their country. “One of the frustrating things about watching this unfold from America is this feels a little like déjà vu: a potentially destabilizing populist campaigning on anti-immigrant rhetoric who rages against the elites despite having a powerful father and inherited wealth,” said Oliver, comparing Le Pen to U.S. President Donald Trump and the U.K.’s Brexit.

Read the rest of this article at Time.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver has enjoyed a surge in popularity with the election of Donald Trump to the presidency.