John Oliver Asks Edward Snowden About Dick Pics in Challenging Interview

John Oliver Asks Edward Snowden About Dick Pics in Challenging Interview

National security, especially as it's related to the NSA, can be a confusing topic for the average American.

That's why John Oliver decided to explain it all with dick pics.

The "Last Week Tonight" host flew to Russia to interview Edward Snowden, the former NSA worker who leaked thousands of documents exposing the U.S. government's surveillance practices. Though Snowden has seen a slight resurgence in fame after the release of the documentary "Citizenfour" which follows him in the days leading up to and following the leak, Oliver proved that he's been mostly forgotten through interviews with random people on the street.

"This is the problem," Oliver explained after Snowden started speaking technically. "I just glaze over. It's like the IT guy comes into your office and you're like, 'Oh sh*t, don't teach me anything. I don't want to learn. You smell like canned soup.'"

So Oliver instead has Snowden explain everything in terms of "dick pics," which he found is a subject that many Americans feel strongly about.

Surprisingly, Oliver took Snowden to task on his responsibility, or lack thereof, in releasing the documents. Citing an improperly redacted document published by the New York Times, Oliver strongly suggested that Snowden irresponsibly leaked documents without reading them thoroughly, and put too much faith in journalists to handle them.

Watch the interview below: