John McCain Memorials to Get Massive TV Coverage

John McCain Memorials to Get Massive TV Coverage

Both cable news networks and big broadcast networks will devote much of their air time from Friday to Sunday on the memorial services in honor of late Senator John McCain. The services will feature eulogies presented by McCain's friends and colleagues, as well as former Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama. Donald Trump, who has hurled insults at former POW McCain, will be excluded from the events. Read on for details.

Via Deadline.

John McCain was unsuccessful in both of his attempts to become President of the United States, but in death the Arizona Senator is getting a send off from the networks worthy of a Commander-in-chief.

CBS, NBC and ABC are all planing extensive coverage of the events this week leading up to Sunday’s private funeral of the American hero and self described maverick, who passed away from brain cancer at the age of 81-years old on August 25. Of course, starting today, CNN, Fox New Channel and MSNBC are going wall-to-wall with coverage of Sen. McCain’s memorial in his adopted state and all the way up to his funeral on September 2.

While Donald Trump has been distinctly not invited, former Presidents and respective McCain White House bid rivals George W. Bush and Barack Obama are scheduled to deliver eulogies for the six term Senator at Washington National Cathedral on September 1. The son of a distinguished military family, the former Navy pilot and Vietnam War POW will be buried at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland on September 2.

Among the pallbearers for Sen. McCain’s D.C. memorial will be Warren Beatty, ex-VP Joe Biden, who will speak in Phoenix tomorrow about his long time friend, FedEx founder Fred Smith, former Sen. Gary Hart, and ex-NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

As all of the Big 3 are rightly set to go big on the farewell to Sen. McCain, of all the network news anchors only NBC’s Lester Holt will be on-air covering the memorials. CBS’ Jeff Glor is off this week and, as he has in past big events such as this, ABC’s David Muir is handing over the reigns to Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos. As it does in such circumstances of national interest, Fox will pepper simulcasting of FNC’s broadcasts throughout its regularly scheduled programming.

Get the rest of the story at Deadline.

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