Jessa Duggar Is Already Pregnant. Surprise.

Jessa Duggar Is Already Pregnant. Surprise.

Thoroughly unsurprising news, people: Jessa Seewald (nee Duggar) is pregnant.

Jessa is the second Duggar girl of the "19 Kids and Counting" family to get married, and is also now the second to get pregnant just weeks after her wedding.

"Ben and I are so excited to announce that we're expecting a baby!!!!!" Seewald shared on her Facebook page. "Due Nov. 1st! ‪#‎BabySeewald‬." November 1st is also the one-year anniversary of Jessa and husband Ben Seewald's wedding.

Jessa and Ben are following right behind Jessa's sister Jill, who recently married Derrick Dillard and gave birth just a couple of weeks ago to her first child. Originally Jill had planned on a home birth, but after undergoing labor lasting nearly 72 hours, Jill ended up delivering at the hospital.

In previous interviews, Jessa had mentioned that she and Ben were seriously considering adoption, which would be a departure from her parents who have had 19 biological children. Having a biological child first hasn't changed their plans, though.

"Our hearts haven't changed on adoption," Jessa told People. "We are still making plans." The adoption agency that the couple is reportedly working with requires couples to be married for at least two years before they can begin the adoption process.

"I think having this first year together to share our lives, just the two of us, has been special," Jessa said of her relationship with Ben. "We are definitely excited to be parents."