'Jersey Shore' Season 5, Episode 11 Recap - 'We Are Family'

'Jersey Shore' Season 5, Episode 11 Recap - 'We Are Family' The prank is completed, and here's the fallout: the girls think that Pauly and Vinny threw them "a tiki party," because they're idiots. But then they discover the extent of the prank, they commence with the yelling and swearing. It's ultimately all in good sport, though, with the exception of Mike, who throws a complete fit.

He bitches about the whole thing instead of bringing his stuff back in, so it all gets rained on. Snooki thinks he should change his name to "The Bitchuation." Nice one, Snooki.

Deena's sister and Mike's brother are still dating, as Deena learns from a phone conversation with her sister, who against all odds sounds like an even more annoying version of Deena. Mike decides to let loose his secret about Deena's sister's "special talent." Deena has a special talent, too: she can hold drinks in her cleavage.

And then Deena's sister, Joanie, shows up to Jenks. Joanie looks exactly how you think she looks.

Vinny, meanwhile, is still trying to hook up with lesbians. Not even very attractive lesbians. As Ronnie puts is, "One of them looks like Matthew McConaughey." Nonetheless, Vinny apparently succeeds in his quest, set to inspiring music.

Deena confronts Mike about talking about Joanie behind her back, and Mike starts lying through his teeth. For a guy who lies all the time, he's really not very good at it. "To be honest, somebody might have overheard me on the phone," he says.

A major storm rolls in, and Deena freaks out from the tornado warning and the lightning. Please, please let it sweep them all away forever. "I'm driving out of here!" says Deena, as if that was some kind of great idea in the middle of a thunderstorm and possible tornado.

Vinny and Pauly are wearing matching meme shirts that read "U Mad, Bro?" and "I Ain't Even Mad." Awwww.

Later, the gang cooks their last meal together, which may actually be their last meal period, judging by the amount of smoke. If the storm didn't kill them, maybe the fire will.

Deena wears a fat suit, few people notice any difference.

When the guys go out on the deck after dinner, the girls lock them out there and pull out their slingshot and prepared box of water balloons. Of course that backfires, and the guys end up locking them on the balcony and dousing them with buckets of water and squirt guns. Eventually it's just Deena against all the guys, and she gets dumped in the hot tub. It's a metaphor for something, I'm sure.

Quite possibly one of the more creative wake-ups from Pauly, who co-opts the smoke alarms and wakes everyone up on the last day. Everybody morosely packs, including Sitch, whose dresser is still on the balcony. Whiner.

One by one the roommates leave, and thankfully Ronnie and Sammi are the first to go, so nobody has to pretend to be sad to watch them leave. Eventually, Snooki is the only one left. "I'm not even sure what to do right now," she whines. Cut to: Snooki pouring herself a drink. Of course. How fitting to close the season on Snooki's horrible drinking problem.

Well, that does it, folks. The last episode of the season, and possibly the last episode of "Jersey Shore" ever, with this particular cast. We'll keep you updated on a renewal for season six, so stay tuned.