'Jersey Shore' Preview: Snooki Tries to Take The Situation's Head Off

'Jersey Shore' Preview: Snooki Tries to Take The Situation's Head Off If you thought the only real danger The Situation faced on "Jersey Shore" was big gorilla Ronnie's fists, then say hello to my little friend. She's about four foot nine inches tall, wears a bouffant and goes by the name of Snooki (no "h," it just sounds that way, we swear).

In the latest preview from MTV, Snooki's all riled up about a joke Sitch has played on her and throwing large glass wine bottles at his head.

There's plenty of high-pitched banshee screaming, and, as Pauly D puts it, Sitch is "dodging sh%^ like it's the Matrix" all while wearing what looks a little bit like a toupee on his head.

Is that a bad hair day, a crappy dye job, or is The Situation doing his best impersonation of Frank Bonner from "WKRP in Cincinatti"?

I guess we'll find out tonight.

Watch a preview of tonight's episode of "Jersey Shore":