'Jersey Shore' Preview Clip: Snooki and Deena Sink to New Lows at Work

'Jersey Shore' Preview Clip: Snooki and Deena Sink to New Lows at Work Over the past three and a half seasons of "Jersey Shore," we've seen the castmates be some pretty terrible employees.

Seriously, I don't know how the owner of the Shore Store held back his rage long enough to not murder all of them. But then again, what do you do when you have a bunch of hungover kids who don't want to be there whom you can't fire?

Anyway, now that the "Shore" crew is in Florence, they have a nice new job working at a pizza parlor...which of course they hate. Snooki and Deena have been particularly mischievous at work, previously paying off a customer to buy booze for them so they could drink in the back room. They were busted of course.

But in tonight's episode, Snooki and Deena have sunk to new lows in order to avoid having to work...they attempt to hide themselves in trash cans. Really, is hiding in a garbage bin preferable to making pizza?

Also, side note, but they kind of look like Daleks. Am I right? Oh, sorry, I forgot...the intersection on the Venn diagram of people who watch "Jersey Shore" and people who watch "Dr. Who" is incredibly slim.

Check out the preview clip below, in which Deena finds a new, exciting way to fall down: