Jenny McCarthy Weighs in on Charlie Sheen's HIV Revelation

Jenny McCarthy Weighs in on Charlie Sheen's HIV Revelation

After Charlie Sheen announced on Tuesday's TODAY show that he's been HIV positive for the past four years, the response from those who were involved with him in the past has been critical of how un-forthcoming he's been about his diagnosis.

In an interview on TODAY, Sheen claimed that the two people he'd had unprotected sex with after his diagnosis were aware of the situation and were never at risk. Former porn actress Bree Olson, who says that she was involved with Sheen during the time frame in question, says that she was never informed. Sheen claims that he was diagnosed after he and Olson split.

TMZ also reports that several women who were alleged exposed to the virus by Sheen are already lining up to sue for monetary compensation.

And on Wednesday, actress and former Playboy model Jenny McCarthy said on her radio show that she was distressed that she never knew about Sheen's diagnosis. McCarthy was never sexually involved with Sheen, but she played his girlfriend on Two and a Half Men. She says she knows that you can't "get it through kissing, but still, that's a big deal." McCarthy's outspoken -- and, many say, misguided -- opinions about health issues have long been controversial; she has been widely criticized for her stance against vaccinating children against common life-threatening diseases.

For Sheen's part, the actor's manager says that Sheen was infected with HIV "long after he worked with Jenny."