Jennifer Lawrence Protests: 'Hunger Games' is not 'Twilight'

All we have seen of "The Hunger Games" so far is a short teaser trailer with barely any footage, but already people are comparing it to "Twilight." Why? Well, it's young adult fiction with a female protagonist and a love triangle. That's about it, really.

And Jennifer Lawrence, who stars in "Games" as Katniss, agrees. In an interview with Vanity Fair, Lawrence made her feelings about the comparison pretty clear: "Hunger Games is not Twilight," she noted, "and while I hear the comparisons, it’s really premature to say that it will be the same phenomenon."

If you read the two books, you'll see that in style and substance they're actually pretty different. It's worth noting that Bella is a rather passive protagonist while Katniss is anything but, and while there is a love triangle of sorts in The Hunger Games, it is never the entire focus of the story, as it is in the Twilight series.

However, that difference could prove Lawrence wrong and make it an even bigger phenomenon than the "Twilight" movies. The reason that Katniss' choice of suitors isn't the main focus of "Hunger Games" is that Katniss has to worry about that whole being-trapped-in-an-arena-and-forced-to-kill thing. That could potentially broaden the audience for "Hunger Games" past that of "Twilight"... after all, how many guys do you know who care about Team Edward vs. Team Jacob?