Jenelle Evans Claims to Be Suffering from PTSD

Jenelle Evans Claims to Be Suffering from PTSD

Teen Mom star Jenelle Evans introduced some very questionable explanations for her (and her husband's) behavior in a recent interview. She claims that a road rage incident in which she pulled a gun on another driver caused her to suffer from PTSD. She also defended her calling her 9-year-old son a liar when he told the truth about the incident, suggesting that it was necessary to throw her kid under the bus to avoid trouble with the police. In addition, she defended her husband's homophobia by saying that he simply doesn't want his kids to grow up to be "that way." Read on for all gory details of Jenelle's rationalizations.

Via Fox News.

Jenelle Evans is telling her side of the story.

The 26-year-old reality star refused to travel to New York City for the "Teen Mom 2" cast reunion episode and therefore filmed her interview with Dr. Drew Pinsky separately in her home state of North Carolina. During the interview, which aired Monday night on MTV, Jenelle discussed a variety of topics, including the controversial comments made by her husband, David Eason, as well as her road rage incident, which took place on camera earlier in the season.

When Dr. Drew asked her to recall when she pulled a gun out while her 9-year-old son, Jace, was in the car, Jenelle claimed she has "PTSD" since the road rage incident occurred in April.

"I’ve been having nightmares,” she said. "When the incident happened, I didn’t even leave my house for the first, like, two weeks."

Jenelle further claimed that she followed the driver because she was upset that he almost hurt her son. She also noted that Jace has been to see a therapist to discuss the incident.

Dr. Drew also brought up when Jenelle accused her son of lying when he said she pulled out a gun. "I was really desperate at the time. And when he said, ‘Oh yeah, Mommy pulled out a gun.’ I was like, ‘No, I didn’t. Why did you say that?’ Because I don’t want to get arrested for something stupid,” she explained, adding she “definitely” explained her reasoning to Jace after the fact. "I said, ‘Listen, I don’t want the police thinking the wrong thing if they hear you say that.'"

As for why she carries a gun, Jenelle said she doesn’t feel safe “without [husband] David,” and that she has a permit to carry a concealed firearm. "My gun goes with me where I go,” she insisted.

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Prior to addressing the road rage incident, Jenelle spoke out about David's controversial tweets regarding the LGBT community, which led to him being booted off the show.

"He thinks he shouldn’t have said it the way he did, but he still stands by his views,” she said of her husband's homophobic remarks. “He deleted it right afterwards. He said he was sorry, and he still hasn’t been on Twitter. He could still go online right now and rant all he wants. He still doesn’t.”

"He just doesn’t want his kids to grow up and be that way," Jenelle continued. "Just like if you don’t want your kid to grow up and be a doctor. ‘I don’t want you to be a doctor. I want you to be in the military.’ Well, some dads are just like that.”

Excusing his comments for being “the way he was raised,” Jenelle added that her husband doesn’t talk like that around their kids. "His kids didn’t hear him say that. He typed it,” she continued. "He doesn’t run around the house saying, ‘I hate gay people.’”

Get the rest of the story at Fox News.

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