Jay Leno Bids 'The Tonight Show' Farewell. Jimmy Fallon Steps in.

Jay Leno Bids 'The Tonight Show' Farewell. Jimmy Fallon Steps in. After tons and tons of speculation and rumors, as well as a handful of jokes by Jay Leno himself, NBC has officially announced Jay Leno’s final date as the host of “The Tonight Show”.

Upon Jay Leno’s departure, NBC will be ‘promoting’ Jimmy Fallon to host of “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno” in the Spring of 2014, and renaming it “The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon” (logically).

Jay Leno has been hosting “The Tonight Show” for over 22 years, taking over for the great Johnny Carson in 1992, and with his departure brings the end of an era. Jay Leno said, “Congratulations Jimmy. I hope you’re as lucky as me and hold on to the job until you’re the old guy. If you need me, I’ll be at the garage.”

“The Tonight Show with Jay Leno” has been in the #1 slot, continuously beating out ABC and CBS for control of late night TV, and “Late Night with Jimmy Fallon” has been #1 in his slot as well.

Jimmy Fallon started his TV career on NBC’s “Saturday Night Life” back in 1998 and quickly caught the nation’s attention. He moved on to co-host the “Weekend Update” segment with fellow star Tina Fey, before ultimately leaving the show in 2004.

Jimmy returned to NBC in 2009 as the host of his new show “Late Night with Jimmy Fallon”, filling in the void left behind by Conan O’Brien’s departure.

Jimmy added, upon hearing the news, “I’m really excited to host a show that starts today instead of tomorrow”, poking fun at his previously after-midnight timeslot.