Ice-T Furious Over CoCo & AP.9 Pics!

Ice-T and Coco Rapper Ice-T is NOT happy over pictures that surfaced of his wife, CoCo, snuggling up to rapper AP.9 in Las Vegas.

The “Ice Loves Coco” star took to his Twitter to release some frustration.

“Don’t get it twisted, I’m not happy about this s**t. Most of [the pictures] are disrespectful and in bad taste. She’s made me look and feel like s**t. I say this on Twitter because there’s no way to avoid the obvious misconduct of a married couple.”

Surely he must be overreacting about the pictures, right? I mean how bad can they—okay, they’re pretty bad.

Coco was quick to respond with apologies, stating firmly that though the photos were in bad taste, there was no funny business.

“Woke up to people in a panic about some pics, please guys I’m happily married sometimes fans & friends take silly pics. It’s harmless.”

That didn’t seem to be quite good enough for Ice, though, so she kept going.

“Ice is right, the pics I took with this man were in poor taste & I disrespected my husband however the pics were the only thing that happened.”

“I feel so sad the bottom line is I love Ice & I can understand why he’s upset theres no excuse for my actions. I’m so sorry baby & to evryone.”

She finished it up with “Thanks for all the nice comments from dedicated fans. I am keeping positive.”

Will the crazy, Bulldog-loving couple work through their issues or is this the end of Ice and Coco?

Coco and AP9 cheating