'How I Met Your Mother' Season 8, Episode 5: 'The Autumn of Breakups' Recap

'How I Met Your Mother'  Season 8, Episode 5: 'The Autumn of Breakups' Recap Barney walks down the street and sees two dogs sitting on a stoop, a terrier and a lady dog. The terrier hops up and follows Barney. Barney takes him to the pub and introduces everyone to his new dog… Brover. Robin is worried Barney isn’t handling his break-up with Quinn well. While Nick thinks things are fine, it is a little concerning that Barney is tongue-kissing Brover. She wants Barney to come to dinner, even though Nick had planned something special for her to celebrate his cable access cooking show being nominated for an award.

Ted heads over to see Marshall and Lily, thanking them for a great night. Marshall and Lily think it was not a great night. Cut to Victoria asking Ted to pass her a cracker—the least he can do considering she left a guy at the altar for him. Ted thinks it’s just in fun but Marshall and Lily know women over 30 don’t joke about commitment. Ted thinks that starting up again with Victoria “resets” their relationship clock but Lily insists that their time apart was just like hitting pause. Like when Victoria joked about a job opportunity in Denver, she was really asking Ted to move with her. Marshall seems to be extremely in-touch with feminine subtleties suddenly.

 “Ok when did Marshall become a slightly more feminine you?” Ted asks Lily. She admits she’s teaching him to give excellent advice, as she gets overwhelmed by the need and requires an assistant. She and Marshall agree that Ted is missing hints about Victoria wanting a deeper commitment.

He goes home and asks Victoria if this is true, but she denies it. But oh hey, she just happened to find her wedding dress while cleaning. Should she keep it or will she never ever need it again? Yes, obviously she wants to go deeper. They didn’t pause the relationship. Why hasn’t it gone to the next level? They both agree there is a reason they’re not 100% in but no one can pinpoint what it is.

Barney shows up to dinner with Robin and Nick, Brover in tow, and in a suit. He confesses he’s always wanted a dog to pick up chicks with, but he’s wingmanning both ways. He’s helping Brover get with the ladies too. During dinner, Barney gets a call. It is Brover’s owner; he escaped from a kennel while she was on vacation. Barney has to return him. Barney excuses himself from the table and makes to jump off the balcony before Robin stops him.  He says his tearful goodbyes to Brover. Robin says she will go with him to bring him back, although Nick doesn’t appreciate her leaving.

Ted admits to Marshall and Lily they are right. Marshall has an intense moment, channeling his inner goddess, who is southern. Goddess Marshall tells Ted to make an honest woman of Victoria or let her spread her wings and soar.

Victoria comes home to an apartment full of roses and candles. Ted comes over in a tuxedo, bends down, and proposes. Victoria says yes.

There’s just one thing, though. He can’t be friends with Robin. She’s what’s holding them back. He has too much history with her. Ted insists that Robin is happy with Nick, and he is happy with her but Victoria says she’ll always be wondering.

Ted goes to consult Marshall and Lily again. Marshall thinks Victoria is being unreasonable—but he has broken the link with his inner goddess, because Lily sees her point. Ted says he can’t imagine life without Robin…. But she’ll never love him, or be his wife. And Victoria could be.

Barney goes to bring Brover back, thanking Robin. She reminds him he went with her to bring her dogs to her aunt’s farm, and then Robin realizes her aunt is a lesbian. A cute woman opens the door, happy to be reunited with Mr. Sprinkles. Robin acts like his lesbian sister and vacates, so the girl invites him in for a drink.

Robin goes home, happy to see Nick isn’t mad at her, he just has to accept that she has close guy friends. Ted texts suddenly that it’s urgent he meet with her. Nick generously lets her go. Robin meets Ted at the pub.

But now it’s Victoria sitting across from him. He tells her he isn’t in love with Robin but she’s like family.

“I really hope you get her someday,” Victoria says.

Everyone is hanging out. Robin comes in, teasing Ted for having called her to the bar last night and his urgent news was that he wants to write a series of young adult novels. He reveals that he and Victoria broke up because they wanted different things. He had told Marshall and Lily never to let Robin find out.

Of course she does, we find out, but they’ll get to that later.

One more glimpse of Brover, who has knocked up the “crazy bitch” from the stoop. He barks to Barney for help, and the two flee.