'How I Met Your Mother' Season 8, Episode 8: 'Twelve Horny Women' Recap

 'How I Met Your Mother'  Season 8, Episode 8: 'Twelve Horny Women' Recap Marshall goes before the New York State Judiciary Committee to discuss his conduct in court.

Marshall tries to break the ice with some jokes, but they fall flat. He is in court to discuss how he got played by Brad. Flashback.

Brad explains that he quit being nice after he got his heart broken for the millionth time. Brad asks how Marshall is going to provide for his son’s future, and Marshall says he’s providing for Earth’s future.

Cut to the awkward kiss between Barney and Robin and the backlash—pretending it never happened.

Ted called everyone in sick to their work so they can go see Marshall in court. Barney insists that he has a long rap sheet and doesn’t want to spend the day in court. Lily challenges him. Flashback to dark-haired Lily with a baseball bat, meeting Scooter… whose actual name is Jeff, but she tells him it’s not anymore. Children on the sidewalk run as she walks down.

Marshall comes into the bar, buoyed by the image of his son fishing in a clean lake fourteen years down the road, and teaching him about the ripple effect by throwing a pebble in the clean lake.

Everyone goes to the courthouse. Ted insists he was locked up plenty as a teenager, but Lily trumps him with another Scooter story, where she slaps a cop.

Barney runs into bailiff Warren Frankin, who almost doesn’t recognize him without handcuffs.

Marshall begins his case. Brad rebuffs like an idiot, but changes tactic, and drops his pen. He aims his perfect rear at the jury for an extended period of time. The smiling judge allows it. Marshall realizes he can’t compete with Brad and these 12 horny women.

Brad also pleads that the company is actually, in a way, giving free medicine to all the animals. Marshall brings in Paddles, the duck from Frog Lake who was suffering from a rash from the poisons. Brad presents a video of his time at Frog Lake, which involves some techno music and lots of pec muscles and splashing.

Lily tries to call up her rap sheet but they can’t find any record on her. Robin tells them she was the baddest of them all anyway. Flashback to Robin Sparkles smoking at a hotel party. When the Mounties ask her to lower the music, she throws a television out the window.

Back in court. Marshall has nothing left… but wait. He notices Brad scratching. He calls him to the stand, and the judge allows it when Marshall asks him to remove his shirt. He is bright red from his splashing about in Frog Lake.

The verdict: Gruber Pharmaceuticals is guilty. Only, the judge only fines them for $25,000, not $25 million.

Marshall confronts the judge, who blows him off.

Ted, Barney, and Robin are trying to scare kids straight. Warren comes up with a picture; Barney was part of the magic club. He specialized in getting out of handcuffs with his tiny hands.

“See you around, baby hands!”

Robin acknowledges she exaggerated too. Her hotel is empty and clean—and she receieves a trophy for being the nicest and most well behaved hotel guest. Ted acknowledges his story was fake too.

Marshall tells the judges that he had a dream. He is with his son again, throwing pebbles into the green, acidic Frog Lake. It incinerates, and a sea monster roars past.

“Great, I’ve angered the Frog King.”

Brad comes in to see Marshall at the bar. He tells him he quit his firm and joined Marshall’s, reminded of why he became a lawyer. Brad charms him with a brunch reservation. Brad tells him the judge was an idiot, and people like Marshall should be behind the bench.

That is why he is before the committee. He is explaining his story so he can apply for a position as a judge. They tell him it will be a few months for a decision.

Barney and Robin’s fake niceness is weird, and Barney tells her that she doesn’t have to worry anymore. He tells her he is done. Done trying to get her. Done making a fool of himself. He wants it to be okay. He apologizes for taking that long to realize it. He glosses over it, and decides things will go back to normal.

He goes to get a drink at the bar, and Robin seems to realize something.

Marshall thanks his friends for their support. As Lily walks down the street, children scream “Lily comin’!” and dash out of her way.