'How I Met Your Mother' Season 8, Episode 16: 'Bad Crazy' Recap

'How I Met Your Mother'  Season 8, Episode 16: 'Bad Crazy' Recap Ted admits something to his children—being single is fun.

It took someone special to make him want to settle down… and that is Jeanette. The last girl he dated before he really meant it about settling down, and met their mother. He and his pals sit in the middle of flaming wreckage--a flash forward.

Barney and Marshall encourage him to dump her, but Ted questions… do they just want him to stay single so they can use his place as the clubhouse? Turns out that’s where the boys keep everything they’re not allowed to have at their apartment.

Such the an antique clock that Barney has and wants to work on? It conveniently makes a “cuckoo” noise as Ted tells them that Jeanette made him participate in a séance with Marilyn Monroe…. ‘s cat.

Lily gets up to get Marvin’s food, and asks Robin to hold him. She panics. Turns out that she has still avoided holding the baby. Marshall saves it by grabbing up little Marvin.

Ted goes to leave—they’re taking Jeanette’s dog to an exorcist. Barney insists that she’s crazy and he needs to break up with her… and Ted reluctantly agrees.

Ted takes her to a public place so she won’t make a scene… but being at a game doesn’t seem to hinder Jeanette, who screams at the ref that she will kill him, in front of all those people. Nice choice, Ted.

Apparently Ted manages it, however. He is safe at home again. He quits playing video games with Barney and Marshall and goes to leave, but reminds them, if Jeanette comes by… do NOT let her in!

He leaves, and a moment later, it’s Jeanette at the door. Marshall and Barney panic.

Lily and Robin are out with Marvin, when Lily realizes she forgot Marvin’s binky on the bus. She rushes after it and tells Robin to pick up the baby if he cries. He starts sobbing immediately.

Ted returns home, asking if Jeanette has come by. They tell him she went to get her book from his room… but they’re pretty sure she left, they insist, as crashing and shattering noises begin. Barney cringes.

“Actually, I’m gonna change my answer. I’m now starting to think she never left, and instead barricaded herself in your room.”

They reassure him she will have to come out soon, to eat, use the bathroom… etc. But Ted remembered that he had stocked his bathroom for the previous superstorm. She could probably last months in there.

Lily has recovered the binky. She asks Robin if anything happened… Nope.

Four years later: Lily and Robin are sharing a drink. Marvin’s in kindergarten. Robin wishes to confess something… cut to Robin rocking the stroller as Marvin cries. A nice older woman comes up and offers to hold him. She comforts him. Robin confesses to Lily she let a stranger pick him up. Lily says it was four years ago, and he’s fine… as long as there’s not more to the story… Robin says nope, and chugs her drink.

Jeanette still won’t come out, but she’s doing a good job destroying the bedroom. Ted tells her he has called the police: and she answers them on the radio. Good news: she’s a cop!

“I’m sorry I have to say this, but Jeanette lives here now. You have to leave," Barney tells him.

Twelve years later: Marvin’s in middle school. Robin has another confession over wine. The woman puts Marvin back in his stroller. The stroller begins to drift off, and Robin chases after it. Lily forgives her as long as there is no more to the story… and Robin drinks.

Ted is determined to get into his bedroom. Marshall wonders why she won’t just accept that she and Ted are broken up, and he admits it might have something to do with the fact that he didn’t actually break up with her.

Cut to Ted trying to break up with Jeanette, who assumes he is in love with Lily. It doesn’t go well.

Fourteen years later: Robin is cold and shaking after grabbing Marvin. She and the older woman go to a strip club to keep warm.

Sixteen years later: There’s more. Robin goes to the bathroom in the club. She leaves Robin with the woman. Lily is not happy Robin left Marvin with a complete stranger. Thank God everything is off her chest.

Seventeen years later: One more detail. It’s not a kind, older women that Robin lets care for Marvin. It’s Mike Tyson. Lily is furious.

“You waited seventeen years to tell me that you met the greatest boxer of all time! My son was rocked to sleep by senator Mike Tyson??”

Ted goes up to confront Jeanette. A few minutes later, he comes rolling down the stairs. He hides out at Lily and Marshall’s. Robin tells them the wise old woman she met gave her a good tidbit: look at the crazy women, and look at who they are dating for the reason of why they're so nuts.

They say that Ted couldn’t possibly have messed her up. Ted goes through in his head all the mixed signals he’s been giving Jeanette. Like sleeping with her when he went up to break up with her… stupid red cowboy boots! Irresistable.

 As they talk, Robin gets passed the baby and holds him without realizing it.

Lily tells Ted that he should stay with Jeanette. He’s a little crazy at the moment… he should be with the crazy woman. He goes up and makes up with her.

Lily comes in. Robin is rocking Marvin, but it’s three in the morning. Robin is content to keep rocking him… until she smell something.