'How I Met Your Mother' Season 8, Episode 15: 'P.S. I Love You' Recap

'How I Met Your Mother'  Season 8, Episode 15: 'P.S. I Love You' Recap Ted is on the subway reading a book. He notices a pretty blonde across the way with the same book, but before he can think of the right line, she gets off the subway.

But Ted doesn’t give up. Stalker Ted Alert is going off with Lily and Marshall. They tell him it’s not destiny--Ted is forcing it.

You can’t force destiny all right—Ted is leaving class for a fire alarm when the same girl from the subway stops him.

Her name is Jeanette. She stalked him there, in an eerily similar way to Ted's stalking habits. Fate?

As he excitedly discusses it with his friends, they are suspicious of her stalking. In fact… why was the fire alarm pulled? Robin, however, doesn’t think they should use the word “stalker” so cavalierly. In fact, she has a restraining order on her from an old guy she used to like.

Barney wants to know who the guy is, but Robin won’t tell him until he admits it could happen to anyone.

Barney won’t stand for that. He breaks into her old journals and reads them, finding her obsessive letters to him, all signed "P.S. I Love You." He goes to Canada to find this mysterious man.

Over dinner Jeanette admits she did pull the fire alarm when a security guard made her leave. She had come so far she couldn’t stand the idea of not meeting him. Ted is charmed. Later, however, Marshall points out that there was an actual fire.

Barney interviews Robin’s ex’s over a box of doughnuts at Tim Hortons. They continue to direct him elsewhere… Including Simon, her old flame (James Van Der Beek). He tells her the story of stalking goes back even further, to 1996. He reveals there is a “Behind the Music” type documentary on Robin Sparkles out there—Barney rushes off.

Ted is starting to get a little suspicious of Jeanette. He asks if she started the fire, and she admits she did. He is somewhat less charmed.

Barney comes in with a drum for a drum roll. He reveals there is more Robin Sparkles, and everyone shrieks with joy. They put the tape in.

“Canada’s sweetheart had a dark side.”

They watch in anticipation of Robin Sparkles throwing her life away. The show discusses “P.S. I Love You” the long-lost music video that never aired. It shows Robin Sparkles in goth gear, yelling her song.

“This is the most 1990’s music video of all time!”

One of the lines says “if I ever get married he’ll always be second to you!” but Barney shrugs it off.

The show reveals that during a halftime show, Robin Sparkles comes out. She gets still. She tells the audience Robin Sparkles is dead. Her new name is Robin Daggers.

That day became the day Canadian grunge was born.

Who was Robin Sparkles singing about? One name comes up more than any other…

Alan Thicke. Barney confronts him at his apartment and attacks him.

Barney comes back with a black eye. Robin asks what happens. Cut to Barney, in a head lock. Alan Thicke says it’s not about him.

Robin tells him he seems rather obsessed. He finally admits anyone can get obsessed. She tells him she will tell him who it was about… Paul Schaffer. She feels bad about it, but she’s over it now. Barney is annoyed he has been acting so crazy, but Robin thinks their crazy is a good fit.

Ted thinks this is a good sign for him and Jeanette, but Marshall tells him no. Lily cracks, however, and reveals the truth. She saw him at orientation, and wanted to meet him. She broke her stereo and went door to door until she found Marshall. It wasn't destiny like she'd always pretended it was.

Ted goes to Jeanettes. He picks up her book, noting that if she hadn’t been reading it, they would never have met. He sees the receipt inside. She bought it right after him. Turns out she has been stalking him since he was on Time. So, a good year and a half.

Ted’s narration points out a man will make one big mistake before he settles. Ted kisses Jeanette.