'How I Met Your Mother' Season 8, Episode 12: 'The Final Page: Part Two' Recap

'How I Met Your Mother'  Season 8, Episode 12: 'The Final Page: Part Two' Recap Ted’s voice over says that he knows he promised Barney not to tell anyone about his plan… but he believes Robin should know. As he goes toward her in the booth to tell her, Marshall and Lily burst in, extolling Ted’s building opening.

They tell him they’ll need to leave early, since Mickey is taking Marvin for the whole night. Everyone is surprised Barney isn’t coming. When Marshall and Lily leave, Robin asks what the real reason Barney isn’t coming is. Ted lies, and asks Robin to be his date to the opening.

Ted calls Marshall as he and Lily are leaving, and he tells him what Barney is planning. He admits he doesn’t want to tell Robin. He thinks a small part of him still wants to be with her.... but then he says that Robin deserves the chance to go after Barney one last time if she wants.

Marshall tells him not to tell her. He agrees that he thinks Ted should end up with Robin. He tells him to be selfish. He makes him promise to do what’s best for himself for once.

Lily calls Mickey from the hotel room to check on Marvin. Mickey makes her feel bad that her baby doesn’t seem to miss her.

Ted decides to take Marshall’s advice. He and Ranjeet pick up Robin for the opening. When Robin coaxes him to tell Ranjeet the huge thing that’s happening, Ted blurts out that Barney is getting engaged.

He tells her he wanted to tell her in case she wanted to do something about it. He asks if she does. She tells him she’s done chasing after Barney. He tells her she’s in love with him, but she denies it. She isn’t thrilled to find out Barney’s proposing on top of the World Wide News building—Patrice and Robin’s favorite place… but she tells him she wants to be with him, celebrating. She reminds him maybe the future Mrs. Ted Mosby will be there.

Lily and Marshall go to the opening. Lily is a bit drunk from the minibar at the hotel, but Marshall reminds her it’s okay to be away from their son for a night. They see a baby in a tuxedo onesie and get upset. Drunk Lily tries to sniff his head. They end up drinking in the corner, singing his lullaby to a picture on their phone.

Ranjeet stops the car at the World Wide News building. Ted tells Robin to go get him. She pleads to go to the party. She tells him she can’t keep making an ass of herself. Ted reminds her he has made an ass of himself many times, chasing her.  It’s underrated.

“I say this to you, from the heart. Get the hell out of this car.”

Robin goes to the roof, which is strewn with rose petals and candles. She finds a page from the playbook.

“The Robin”

1-Admit to yourself that you still have feelings for her.

2-Chose the wrong moment to make a move and get shot down on purpose.

3-Agree that you don’t work, and shut the door. It will drive her nuts.

4-Robin goes nuts.

5-Find the person who annoys Robin most in the world and ask for her help.

6-Explain everything to Patrice.

7-Pretend to be dating Patrice.

8-Wait until Robin breaks in to show Patrice the playbook. Monitor via hidden cameras.

9-After Patrice finds the playbook, have a fake fight with Patrice.

10-Prove loyalty to Patrice by burning the playbook. Actually burn it. You don’t need it anymore.

11-Because your friends have no boundaries, they will have an intervention.

12-Tell only Ted about the plan to propose to Patrice.

13-See if Ted tells her. If he has, your best bro has let go of her.

14-Leave the final page of the playbook on the roof.

15-Robin will realize she is standing under mistletoe.

Despite the romance, Robin is mad about being manipulated for weeks. She thanks him for the proof of why they will never work. He tells her to turn over the page. Step 16—Hope she says yes.

Barney proposes. Robin says yes and they kiss. He slips the ring on her finger as snow beings to fall.

At the opening, everyone raises a glass to Ted. Ted goes to the window and stares into the snow.