'How I Met Your Mother': Season 8, Episode 23: 'Something Old' Recap

'How I Met Your Mother': Season 8, Episode 23: 'Something Old' Recap 1994—Robin and her father take a trip to NYC—Robin’s first. She sneakily buries a locket in the park to dig up in the future, when she returns and marries the man of her dreams.

2013—Robin and her father are back, looking for the locket. Her father is on the phone with Barney, thrilled to finally have a real son. He wants to leave to go hang out with him, and Robin gets stuck searching alone.

Marshall and Lily pack for their year-long move to Italy. The two argue about what to get rid of—definitely not Marshall’s binders on Sasquatch. They agree to bring in Ted to help get things organized. He forces them to decide what can go and what must head to the Triangle. However, some of the stuff Ted likes and they don’t makes it into the Italy box, like an old beanbag chair.

They send Ted to buy them fanny packs, and end up getting rid of all the stuff he wanted to keep.

Robin’s dad and Barney play laser tag, bonding. However when Barney wants to be point guy, they argue. Barney insists Robin is not as stubborn as her father, but Robin digging up the entire park may beg to differ. They split up, manning enemy teams of kids. Robin calls for Barney’s help, but he is preoccupied with the game and she tells him it's not important.

Ted admits the things he wants to keep are sentimental to him. He is worried about things changing in a year and the two of them deciding to “throw” him out too. Robin calls him but he has to leave for an interview and she says it's not important.

He doesn’t go; he meets Robin at the park. He realizes her code for “it’s important,” though Barney missed it. Robin is worried about Barney not responding similarly. He helps her dig. Finally, she finds her locket. She admits she is having fears about marrying Barney. She doesn’t think he’s ready. But, if she found the locket, it would mean everything would be okay.

She opens the box. It is empty.

Barney corners her father with the gun. They truce, and turn on their team.

Ted gets a pictures from Marshall and Lily—they are keeping the beanbag chair he was so eager to keep. He tells them to get rid of it.

Robin thinks the universe is telling her not to marry Barney. Ted tries to talk her off the ledge but it starts raining. Ted reminds her that all the “signs” he has gotten have led him nowhere. He tells her maybe that deep down they already know what they want and don’t need the universe to help.

She takes his hand, and they share a long look.