'How I Met Your Mother' Season 7, Episode 1 Recap - 'The Best Man'

'How I Met Your Mother' Season 7, Episode 1 Recap - 'The Best Man' "How I Met Your Mother" has always played with the concept of time, using flashbacks, flash forwards, and probably even some flash sideways over its six-season run. But it looks like this season might get even more creative with all the flashing. No, not that kind of flashing. Pervert.

The season 7 premiere starts off where the last season left off: we're at Barney's wedding. Yeah, that's right. Barney's wedding. We're not quite sure how we got there, but here we are.

But of course not everything will be revealed just yet. We have yet to learn who the bride is, as Ted and Barney have a thinly-veiled conversation about which "tie" Barney should choose ("I'm not really talking about the tie," he admits). So, it looks like the big mystery of the season will be this: did Barney decide to marry Nora or Robin?

But first, the story of how Marshall ruined Punchy's wedding...flashback! We jump back in time to right after last season's finale...er, right after last season's finale, but the part before Barney's wedding. Man, the time jumps in this show.

Ted has to give a speech at his friend Punchy's wedding, but the problem is he's given these speeches before and always manages to have a tear-filled meltdown because of his catastrophic love life. And professional life. Poor Ted. There's even been an auto-tuned remix of his meltdowns, which are a big hit on Youtube.

Meanwhile, Marshall and Lily want to keep their pregnancy a secret until 3 months, so as not to jinx it. Unfortunately, they're at a wedding reception, which means that alcohol is everywhere...so Marshall has to "drink for two" in order to cover up. It's a testament to how well the writers know their actors. Jason Segel acting drunk is a very funny Jason Segel.

Robin is spending her time pining over Barney, who is still thinking about Nora, from whom he has yet to hear back. Lily convinces her to confess her feelings to him, but then...snazzy dance number! If Robin wasn't sure she was still in love before, she is now, but then...Nora calls! Aw, bummer. But, good for Barney who was spending the evening testing out different pick-up tactics in a "lesser market." List to follow.

Two really great moments in this episode: one, when Robin stands next to Barney and feeds him the right words to say to Nora...the words she wants to tell him herself. Two, when Ted gives a rather defeated explanation to Robin about how every day he believes a little less in fate and "The One."

Also fun are the freeze frames that have us thinking that Marshall is going to ruin the wedding, but disaster is averted...until later. Marshall and Lily finally tell the gang about the baby, which of course means Ted is crying during his speech. When Marshall gets up to explain that "these are tears of joy!" he announces that Lily is pregnant, but the bride thinks he's pointing at her...which was supposed to be her big surprise announcement. Wedding ruined!

And now, a list of Barney's pick-up attempts:

-A "sexy" manslaughterer

-Patient Zero

-The Guinness Book of World Records holder for longest fingernails

-A vampire who also invented Facebook