Holly Madison Fires Back After Fat Attack

Holly Madison Fires Back After Fat Attack In Holly Madison’s world, it’s okay to have cellulite.

After the Playmate was called out for gaining weight, Holly is standing strong.

Despite rumors that producers of Peepshow have asked her to slim down, Holly said she’s not going on “some crazy diet.”

Madison admits to the weight gain. She also said she is now exercising more and eating healthy, but holds that starvation is not her bag.

"I like food too much to go on some crazy diet," she says. "French fries are my favorite downfall."

“Holly’s World” co-star and fellow Playmate Jayde Nicole has also made comments about Madison's weight. Nicole told  “Life & Style” magazine, "She needs to lose 10 pounds of fat," adding, "If she lost 10 pounds and toned up a little bit, she'd be back in the shape she used to be."

In response, Madison, who does not appear to actually be overweight, said, "I'd rather be overweight and curvy than super thin with no curves."

Like many women, Madison deals with body issues including cellulite.

"I have cellulite -- and had it even when I was at my absolute thinnest," she said. "I'm never not going to have cellulite. People need to just accept that it's there and maybe dress accordingly or use body makeup to cope with it."

Setting an example for the shapely type, Madison reflected, "I'm proud of my body ... I'm not perfect, but I love my curves."