The Hills Star Heidi Montag is Now Crying About Scars

The Hills Star Heidi Montag is Now Crying About Scars Heidi Montag is now coming out with articles where she is crying over all the plastic surgery she had, just last November! Can you say, hypocrite? Heidi was paid a lot of money by people Magazine to let them do all the exclusive behind the scenes footage of her prepping for the surgery and recovering from the surgery. I wonder what they say now, since she gave the exclusive complaints to Life & Style?

Heidi goes in to detail about how painful her surgery was. Well, duh, you had ten major surgeries done at ONE time! How many people recommended against having work like that don? Just about everyone who heard about it – AFTER it was too late. The only person who didn’t think it was a big deal is the plastic surgeon….who is now dead.

Is that why Heidi is coming out with all of the negative PR? Dr. Ryan died in a car crash this fall. Heidi didn’t complain about any of her surgery before then. Is she only doing it now for sympathy and money? From Life & Style:

Now a year later, Heidi reveals her operation-room battle wounds for the first time to Life & Style. "Parts of my body definitely look worse than they did presurgery," she told Life & Style exclusively at a photo shoot on Dec. 2. "This is not what I signed up for."

The former Hills star reveals a series of unsightly scars, red inflammation and uneven body parts including: a 2-inch-long raised blemish under her chin from her chin reduction, two caterpillar-size bald spots along her hairline from a brow lift, a horrifying jagged line behind her ears from having her ears pinned back, lumpy legs and four spots left on her lower back and below the buttocks from botched liposuction, a bright-red mark inside her right nostril, uneven boobs, a stretched mark on her chest and deep scars around her nipples from a second boob job.

Honestly, can you feel sorry for her? When you are told not to do something, but then do it anyway and get EXACTLY the results people tried to talk you out of, doesn’t the whining seem…too bad, so sad, take a hike?