Here's What Naya Rivera Looked Like Before 'Glee' (And Plastic Surgery, Probably)

Here's What Naya Rivera Looked Like Before 'Glee' (And Plastic Surgery, Probably) Some people never let fame change them. And then there's Naya Rivera.

A pre-fame photo of the "Glee" actress has appeared online, and the difference between the old Naya and the new Naya is almost shocking. Of course, much of the change can be attributed to having money to spend on make-up, hair and the personal stylists to use them with, but other differences can't.

Looking at the photos, it's obvious that Rivera had a large mole removed from her chin. But the pics are also likely to bring up rumors of plastic surgery (again). Rivera has denied that she ever had breast augmentation surgery, but we're wondering more about her nose, which looks significantly thinner as compared to the older photo.

We think Naya looks fantastic in the older photo, and while she's still undeniably gorgeous, one can't help but wonder if Kim Kardashian's personal influence has done a bit too much to Naya's appearance. The "Glee" starlet has spent time with the reality star and her family on more than one occasion, and tends to look very Kardashian-esque these days.

Rivera's public life has been a bit rocky of late, as her engagement to rapper Big Sean ended a while back, followed by rumors that she had been fired from "Glee" over disagreements with producers and tension between her and Lea Michele. In fact, Rivera went so far as to deactivate her Twitter account for a while. Rivera's future on "Glee" is still murky, but she's at least back on Twitter, sharing her latest magazine cover and details about her music.