Here's a Lady Who Spent $30k in Plastic Surgery to Look Like Kim Kardashian

Here's a Lady Who Spent $30k in Plastic Surgery to Look Like Kim Kardashian It's time for another Good Idea, Bad Idea.

Good Idea: Getting beauty tips from your favorite celebrity so that you can style your clothes, hair and makeup after her.

Bad Idea: Spending $30,000 on plastic surgery so that you can attempt to look exactly like your favorite celebrity.

A 24-year-old woman from England by the name of Claire Leeson has reportedly spent more than £20,000, which equates to about $30,000, in plastic surgery in an attempt to look exactly like Kim Kardashian. When asked why in an interview with "This Morning," Leeson brought up tales of bullying as a child.

"I was told every day that I was the ‘ugliest thing alive' and I should ‘kill myself," she said. "When I left school friends would tell me that I had a resemblance to Kim. So, I watched [Keeping Up with The Kardashians] and realized I had the same amount of siblings and that we have the same kind of arguments and things going on. I thought she was so beautiful and I really wanted to be like her."

Since then, Leeson invested thousands of dollars and racked up major credit card debt paying for breast implants, teeth whitening, spray tans, expensive clothes and even a pad to make her butt look bigger until she can afford a procedure to inject fat from other parts of her body into her buttocks.

Fortunately, it seems that Leeson relies heavily on contouring makeup techniques to "get her Kimmy on" as she puts it, and she looks more like herself au naturel.

Leeson is just one of a number of people who have made headlines for these types of prodcedures. Recently, a 33-year-old man revealed that he spent over $100,000 in procedures to look like Justin Bieber. He and another girl who spent thousands to look like Jennifer Lawrence put together a music video. Watch at your own peril.