Here's Kate Upton In a Bikini In Zero Gravity, Just Because (VIDEO)

Here's Kate Upton In a Bikini In Zero Gravity, Just Because (VIDEO) What's sexier than Kate Upton? How about Kate spaaaaaaaace!

Sports Illustrated, not content with just showing us boobs here on Earth, decided to put supermodel Kate Upton onto a zero-G shuttle and see what happens when bikini models are free of all that pesky gravity.

This is part of what seems to be a new trend for Upton and SI, in which the magazine puts her in extreme conditions. Last year, it was the freezing cold of Antarctica. This year, it's the weightlessness of a zero-G plane.

Upton isn't exactly in space, of course...rather, the aircraft alternates between climbing and dropping in altitude in order to simulate the weightlessness of space.

That has earned this type of aircraft the nickname "Vomit Comet," but as far as we know Upton didn't blow chunks during her photoshoot.

Rather, the model appears to be having fun in her video, floating and spinning through the cabin with the help of some trained professionals.

All the while, her breasts appear to be enjoying their new-found freedom and perhaps plotting their escape.

Check out the video below or view here: