'Hell's Kitchen' Season 10, Episode 19 Recap - '2 Chefs Compete'

'Hell's Kitchen' Season 10, Episode 19 Recap - '2 Chefs Compete' When we left off, Ramsay was about to announce the two finalists, because this show can't survive without cliffhangers. Things pick back up quickly, though, and we learn that Christina is the first one going through to the final. The second spot goes to Justin, which isn't a huge surprise considering how things went for Dana in the last dinner service.

So Dana is sent home with kind words from Ramsay. My words will be less kind: at least we don't have to hear her yell at the camera during every single interview. So annoying.

Justin and Christina are sent off to start making up their menus, and the show starts giving us reasons to root for them. That mostly involves showing us pictures of them with their parents when they were younger.

The two finalists are then called to Ramsay's office, which is hilarious to me, seeing as this whole place is so clearly a set. It's made up exactly how you would think someone would think that Gordon Ramsay's office would look like. There's a chess set. Some pieces have been moved.

As it turns out, Justin and Christina are heading off to Vegas for a reward, but they'll also be meeting with chefs Andi and Scott while they're there. Are they going to hold the final there too? Probably not. That would acutally be cool and a change of pace.

After their meetings (which are conducted with the contestants in their robes, poolside. Weird), the finalists get to have lunch with their parents at Vegas' Paris, and get to see a Penn & Teller show while they're at it. Ramsay turns out to be part of the show (because, you know, ego), and picks to the two of them out of the crowd and gives them their next challenge on the spot. They look legitimately surprised, which is kind of delicious.

So there you go: the chefs will actually do some cooking in the kitchens in Vegas. The challenge is simple enough: make five dishes, including a seafood entrée, a filet, a ribeye, and... I dunno, some other stuff. I wasn't paying attention because I was laughing at the clearly unmotivated extras filling the seats in the theater and cheering for either Justin or Christina with close to no enthusiasm.

Chef François Payard is the first one out to judge, and gives the point to Justin as Christina used a bit too much vinegar. Chef Michel Richard judges the seafood appetizers, and tries both contestants' ceviches, and eventually gives the point to Justin thanks to the fact that he hates cilantro (which was in Christina's dish).

Chef Julian Serrano comes out next to try the fish entrées, and Christina finally gains a point thanks to Justin overcooking his fish. Chef Stuart Gillies follows that up by judging the ribeyes, and obviously gives a point to Christina, because that makes it dramatic.

That leaves it down to the filet, which will be judged by Wolfgang Puck. He's very complimentary about both dishes, but ends up giving the point to Christina. She wins the challenge, and gets... first pick in choosing the teams. The available teammates include Dana, Barbie, Royce, Patrick, Clemenza, Robyn, Brian and

Of course Christina goes with Dana first, and follows up with Patrick (huh?), Kimmie and Robyn. Justin ends up choosing Barbie, Brian, Royce (HUH?) and gets Clemenza by default. Clemenza's ego is clearly bruised.

Justin's team, regardless, is clearly way better, although Royce is a wild card. He could either be solid or terrible. Christina has the problem of mortal enemies Kimmie and Robyn on the same team, though, not to mention the fact that Kimmie seems pretty disinterested in being there. However, Justin confronts Clemenza about his disinterest, and a fight flares up.

Will Justin be without Clemenza for this final? Probably not, but they're making it look that way. Tune in next week to see who takes home the gold.