'Hell's Kitchen' Season 10, Episode 18 Recap - '4 Chefs Compete'

'Hell's Kitchen' Season 10, Episode 18 Recap - '4 Chefs Compete' It turns out that the mysterious figures causing the remaining four contestants to freak out were actually their families, who are here to visit as per tradition. Quick thoughts: is that Barbie's husband? What the hell? Also, Christina's girlfriend is surprisingly cute.

The morning challenge is for the contestants to shop at Bristol Farms with only $15. They're not used to LA prices, much less those at the overpriced Bristol Farms. What, they couldn't take them to Ralph's? Am I right, LA people?

Justin has a bit of money trouble, and has to put back some avocado in order to come in under $15. He also went with jumbo shrimp, which seems expensive. Dana goes with some pricy halibut, and Christina goes with both fish and shrimp. Barbie sticks with pork chops, which might be a wise choice.

The judging will go by estimated value: Justin ends up with an average of $28.33, but Barbie beats that with $33. Dana pushes it up to $34 with her halibut, and that turns out to be enough to beat everyone, as Christina falls just short. Dana is still unable to talk in a normal tone of voice in her interviews.

So Dana gets to have a nice lunch while the rest of the contestants literally have to dig through the garbage. That's unfortunate. Later, when she comes back from her lovely day, she's confused as to why nobody will talk to her. Maybe it's because your voice is like listening to a dying goat.

The Dinner Service:

- Things start out strong with Christina nailing her risotto. Yay, people actually know how to cook risotto now!

- Justin is the first one in charge of running the kitchen, and he actually manages to catch the crab in the lobster capellini. He gets some very sincere praise from Ramsay.

- Dana gets a tongue lashing from Ramsay when she starts giving Justin attitude. "Justin is being so annoying," says Dana, the biggest hypocrite ever.

- When it comes Dana's time to run the kitchen, she has a rough time: the other chefs don't listen to her much, and she fails to catch Ramsay's sabotage of sugar in the risotto.

- Barbie has a rough start as she actually yells the ticket in the direction of the dining room and not the kitchen. But she catches the sabotage just fine.

- Christina has a rough start too, as Dana burns her fish. Ramsay gives her an earful for calling Dana "buddy," but he doesn't have to worry about that long, as Dana undercooks the next one.

- Christina also catches her sabotage, which is arugula instead of spinach.

Seems pretty clear that Dana will be going home, and sure enough all of the chefs single her out. She seems to think that since she has won some challenges, she doesn't deserve to go home. I don't think that's how it works, Dana.

Ramsay reveals that two will be going home tonight, setting us up for the finale next week. Surprisingly, he picks out Barbie first, who takes it very well.

That leaves Justin, Christina and Dana, with only two of them going through to the final... and those two will be revealed next week. Sigh. My guess is that Dana is going home.