'Hell's Kitchen' Season 10, Episode 16 Recap - '6 Chefs Compete'

'Hell's Kitchen' Season 10, Episode 16 Recap - '6 Chefs Compete' Well, we're back. After two weeks of hiatus. Only "Hell's Kitchen" doesn't know that it's been gone for so long, so it jumps right back into the recap of the last episode. What happened again? Oh yeah, people got their black jackets... everyone except for Brian.

The challenge of the morning is for the six black-jacketed chefs to taste some professional dishes and try to figure out what the secret element is. The chefs bomb on the first two, but still have to "taste it then make it" with Ramsay's take on some kind of veal dish.

Christina and Robyn pair up, Justin is with Barbie, and Dana and Clemenza team up. Either Clemenza and Dana are brilliant or wrong, as they choose prosciutto instead of serrano ham to go with the veal, and make their sauce with horseradish instead of smoked bacon. Oh, and they use madeira instead of port wine. Well, points for being unique.

Ramsay starts with Dana and Clemenza's dish, but only gives a few "mm-hmms" and nothing else to indicate if they were right. As it turns out, they were right about the prosciutto, but they were wrong about the smoked bacon. That just leaves it down to the wine, which was... madeira. Holy crap, Clemenza was right.

Dana and Clemenza get to have a nice picnic and have fun on jet skis while the others clean. Fortunately, though, they're not there to see Clemeza leer at Dana in her bikini.

As usual, there's a new team on the other side of the kitchen to take on the black-jacketed sextuplet. That group of past competitors include Russell from season 8, Jay from season 7, Kevin from 6, Paula from 5, Bonnie from 3, and Virginia from 2. What, no Elise from 9? I thought the producers loved to put her on the show whenever possible.

The Dinner Service:

- Both teams enter with plenty of confidence, but the first mistake goes to Robyn, who serves up dry caesar salad. Yes, she screwed up a salad. At least it's a quick fix.

- The runners-up are off to a huge lead, and Clemenza makes it even worse by working on a dish that wasn't on the ticket.

- Ramsay almost looks sad that he has nothing to yell about on the runners-up side, but just then Jay messes up some bass.

- Dana is going under on her fish station, but doesn't want help from Robyn and Clemenza for obvious reasons. Ramsay forces the issue, and of course Clemenza undercooks them.

- Ramsay pulls Dana aside and basically tells her to kick the people off her station that Ramsay made her take. That makes sense. Anyway, she performs better alone than with Clemenza and Robyn "helping," and the service is finally done.

- However, the runners-up win. Still, the chefs didn't do a terrible job, and they don't get much of an earful from Ramsay.

That leaves the nominations, and Dana immediately points at Clemenza and Robyn. Christina wants Robyn gone as well, and Robyn throws a small fit. Clemenza, of course, is the second one called up. That makes it his sixth time up, but he's saved by Ramsay yet again, as he sends Robyn home. Christina fist-pumps.

Eliminated: Robyn

Ramsay's RAW! Count: 3

Ramsay's Insult du Jour: "Yell at me again, and I will pick you up and throw you in the garbage."