'Hell's Kitchen' Season 10, Episode 15 Recap - '7 Chefs Compete'

'Hell's Kitchen' Season 10, Episode 15 Recap - '7 Chefs Compete' With Kimmie gone, the list of annoying competitors on this show is getting smaller. Christina is convinced that it'll be easier with three people in the kitchen, but Dana thinks they're at a disadvantage, especially with Barbie on their team. I tend to agree with Dana.

Teamwork is the name of the game in the challenge, as the contestants have to put together a few dishes, but with only one chef in the kitchen at a time. That means communication, which is obviously not these guys' strong suit. Then again, neither is cooking.

The risotto is burnt on the red side, and raw and sticking to the plate on the blue side. The cod is raw on the red side, and just a complete mess ont he blue side. So far, no points. So far, no surprise. The lamb, surprise surprise, is also terrible. Still no points. What does that mean? Ramsay doesn't name a winning team at all. Nobody gets the reward, for the first time in Hell's Kitchen history.

Side note: does Dana know that she doesn't have to yell all the time in her talking head interviews?

The Dinner Service:

- The contestants all seem especially fired up tonight, in an attempt to make up for their horrible challenge performance.

- That doesn't help, as Clemenza puts out three pans of "multi-colored f*cking risotto."

- Christina refuses help from Barbie, but then burns her risotto.

- Brian puts out a medley of incorrectly cooked meat. That means Robyn has to redo her garnish, but instead she puts it in the oven. When Ramsay calls her out, she says that all the guys told her to do it, which they say is a lie. They have been reduced to "liar liar pants on fire" tactics.

- Justin puts out a reheated bass, which gets Ramsay on his case. Then, Robyn almost kills Ramsay with a flame up, which Ramsay beautifully reacts to: he pauses mid-sentence, looks at the huge flame that almost burned his eyebrows off, then continues yelling at Justin.

- The red team actually finishes their dinner service. High fives all around.

- Brian is having a seriously bad streak on meat, completely unable to put out a proper wellington. Ramsay calls Barbie the Meat Master in to take over for him and finish the blue team's service.

So, the red team gets their black jackets: Barbie, Dana and Christina are in the top six. The blue team has to nominate their two, and they go with Robyn for sure, but can't come to a consensus between Clemenza and Brian. That seems pretty clear, as Brian was a disaster, but Ramsay just has all four of them step forward and state their cases.

A few empty speeches later, Ramsay decides to give Clemenza and Justin their black jackets, leaving it down to Robyn and Brian... and with Brian's horrible night, Ramsay decides to send him home, leaving Robyn in the running.

Ramsay's "RAW!" Count: 3