HBO Grants Bill Maher's 'Real Time' Two More Seasons

HBO Grants Bill Maher's 'Real Time' Two More Seasons Let the conservative outrage ring. Bill Maher still has a job.

HBO announced Tuesday morning that the outspoken, controversial comic and commentator's discussion show "Real Time with Bill Maher" has been given two more seasons worth of the premium cable network's blessings, Deadline reported this morning.

The eleventh and twelfth seasons of Maher's series will carry him through not only November presidential election, but also the next midterm Congressional election. Despite 27 nominations and episodes averaging 4.1 million gross viewers, "Real Time" has never won a Prime Time Emmy.

"Bill Maher's irreverent wit and fearless insights make him the perfect observer for these unpredictable times," said HBO programming president Michael Lombardo.

It's been an interesting time to be Maher. He's no stranger to reaping what his words sow - ABC canned Maher's "Politically Incorrect" late-night roundtable after post-Sept. 11, 2001 attacks calling the U.S. Armed Forces "cowards" - but managed to earn frowns from conservative and liberal loyalists following radio host Rush Limbaugh calling a Georgetown University law student a "slut" and "prostitute" on Limbaugh's radio show following her testimony supporting insurance coverage for contraceptives.

Conservatives belly-ached that Maher remained gainfully employed as a broadcast personality, claiming he'd said far, far worse things while others cried for Limbaugh to be dropped from the airwaves. Meanwhile, some liberals weren't thrilled when Maher expressed his sympathies for the right-leaning pundit's plight.