Has Tomi Lahren Been Fired or Not?

Has Tomi Lahren Been Fired or Not?

Tomi Lahren isn’t really the free-speech martyr she purports to be.

The conservative gadfly nearly cried on ABC’s “Nightline” on Wednesday as she claimed she’d been fired by Glenn Beck’s multiplatform channel TheBlaze and explained why she’s suing for wrongful termination.

But TheBlaze says Lahren hasn’t been fired, is still being paid and still has access to the Facebook account she complains she can’t use.

Seems that what Lahren really wants is to be let out of her contract, rather than be sidelined for months with nothing to do.

Read the rest of this article at Page Six.

Tomi Lahren claimed to have been fired from the conservative platform after expressing a pro-abortion stance during an interview on The View.