Happy Judgement Day Everybody! According to 'Terminator 2,' Skynet Becomes Sentient Tonight

If you're wondering why "Skynet" has been trending on Twitter, it's because today is Judgement Day.

That's right! According to "Terminator 2: Judgement Day," the date that the computer network Skynet becomes self-aware and begins its war against all mankind is April 19th, 2011. The movie is even specific enough to give us a time: 8:11pm. That's probably Pacific time, considering the movie's location.

James Cameron noted that the fact that we haven't been overrun by the machines could be chalked up to alternate timelines: "Kyle Reese said in the first film that it was only 'one possible future.' Clearly, not the one we're in."

Phew, thanks for the reassurance, James.

I don't want to alarm anyone, but if memory serves I believe that the machines actually attacked a couple of days after Skynet went active...so that would mean that everything goes kaput on Thursday. Of course, in "Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines," they start attacking pretty much right away. But most of us try to pretend that movie didn't exist.

In any case, if you've ever wanted to go bungee jumping or see Paris, maybe it's time to do that. Or, you could just pig out on cake. Calories won't count when the machines take over.

Also, if you've hit your TV or yelled at your computer anytime recently, now might be the time to apologize.