'Handmaid's Tale' Is an Impressive Adaptation

'Handmaid's Tale' Is an Impressive Adaptation

Branching out from Nov. 8, 2016, is an alternate timeline in which The Handmaid's Tale could simply be enjoyed as a beautifully produced speculative thriller, a cautionary tale worthy of praise particularly for Elisabeth Moss' lead performance and for perhaps being Hulu's first essential original.

Many involved in this adaptation of Margaret Atwood's revered dystopian novel might prefer that the series just play as wildly imaginative genre fare instead of as an urgent and all-too-timely warning about a world in which religious zealotry and despotic forces combine to control female reproductive health and disenfranchise women.

It's an urgency and uncomfortable resonance that has only grown between the time I watched the premiere in January and then the second and third episodes ahead of the show's April 26 premiere.

Read the rest of this article at The Hollywood Reporter.

A film version of The Handmaid's Tale starred Natasha Richardson.