Hack Me Maybe: Carly Rae Jepsen in Nude Photo Scandal

Hack Me Maybe: Carly Rae Jepsen in Nude Photo Scandal One downside of giving out your personal information to strangers that you just met: having your phone hacked and nude photos stolen.

Okay, so it has been determined that Carly Rae Jepsen, the one we must hold reponsible for the unstoppable earworm "Call Me Maybe," doesn't actually give out her number to strangers. Nonetheless, Jepsen is the latest victim of a phone hacking that may end with the sale of the singer's personal nude photos to a media outlet.

Jepsen has gone to police, according to TMZ, after an anonymous tip that a hacker had broken into Jepsen's phone and stolen some personal and compromising photos. When it was determined that the tip was accurate, police set out attempting to track down the hacker and prevent the photos from being released.

That's a lucky break for the former "Canadian Idol" contestant, as actresses often only get justice after the photos have already been released: just ask Scarlett Johansson, Christina Hendricks or Olivia Munn, all of whom saw their personal photos hacked and sold over the past year.

Police reportedly already have a suspect lined up, so things are looking good for Jepsen, considering the situation. Still, it would seem that having an inescapable summer single has its drawbacks.