'Guys With Kids' Season 1, Episode 8: 'First Birthday' Recap

'Guys With Kids'  Season 1, Episode 8: 'First Birthday' Recap Chris gets invited to Ernie’s 1st birthday party that Sheila is throwing—and he had no involvement in. And she is forcing him to write a poem. Gary reminds him he isn’t married to Sheila and can do whatever he wants—even throw his own party.

At his home, Gary eats a chicken nugget off the floor, freaking out Marny, who, he points out, is eating out of the sink. They realize they’re gross, and have no energy. They decide to detox. Gary mixes up some kale smoothies. When the boys are done with their meals, Gary has to interfere to keep Marny from eating their leftovers.

Chris begins to plan his own party. Emily is surprised he invited Sheila, but he knows she will be away with her new boyfriend, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, that weekend. Sheila comes in with Ernie, asking him about the e-vite she just got. She tells him it’s fine if he wants to throw an “unofficial” party—and gives her blessing.

At Chris’ party, the kids get snowcones and the adults get liquorcones. Gary and Marny come with their kale, claiming that they never felt better. Sheila shows up, saying she was dumped by Kareem Abdul Jabbar, and takes away Ernie’s first lollipop and makes fun of Chris’ attempt at a birthday cake.

Nick decides they need to put someone on Sheila containment. He makes Emily draw high card, putting her on Sheila Duty and stop her from ruining the party.

The doorbell rings and the cake Sheila has purchased arrives. Since she got the cake plates in the divorce, she has Gary hold the cake so she can go get them. Gary, chewing his kale, stares in consternation at the cake. He gets frosting on his finger. Marny encourages him to eat it, to break them both free of their detox, but he won’t.

Everyone decides they need to steal Sheila’s phone and text Kareem an apology so he will come and get her. Gary pretends to admire her purse, swinging it so Chris can steal the phone and toss it to Nick. Nick texts Kareem asking him to come and get “her” and apologizing. The phone rings from Chris, and Nick answers.

It’s Sheila. She comes into the hall. Emily explains that Chris doesn’t want her there. Sheila didn’t realize he was having a tough time seeing her… she decides he is lonely. And misses her. She says she will leave after cake.

They sing happy birthday to Ernie, and Sheila tells Chris she didn’t realize how he felt. She kisses him in front of everyone. Nick breaks them up, spraying whipped cream at them.

Chris asks her what she was thinking. First she says it was Nick, then she tells him it was a joke, and goes to leave. She picks up the cake, and asks, just to be clear, that he does not want her cake, correct? He says no. She chucks it at the wall and storms off.

Nick finds her later in the storage room as he chucks trash down the shoot. She left her purse in Chris’ and won’t go back in. She feels like she has failed. Nick tries to help, telling her she has not failed as a mother. Kareem comes in, saying he got her text. He says if she is serious about being sorry, so is he. He tosses a napkin for Nick to swat happily like a basketball.

Sheila goes back into the apartment as Chris cleans cake off his child. She tells him she understands if he doesn’t want to go to her party. He tells her he will, but they shouldn’t have to have separate parties.

At home, as Gary munches kale, he and Marny notice the cake Chris brought over. They argue about it. They say that they are still the same people they were on their wedding day... and feed each other cake.