'Guy With Kids' Season 1, Episode 5: 'Gary's Day Off' Recap

'Guy With Kids'  Season 1, Episode 5: 'Gary's Day Off' Recap Gary comes into Sunday dinner annoyed; he has given up on being a good parent. Marny has been at a conference all week, and he’s wiped out. The boys tell him to take a day off and let Marny watch them, but Gary just laughs hysterically. Marny has never had all 4 boys at once and he doesn’t think she can handle it, but as everyone else trickles in, he’s quiet. When Marny starts talking about her great, fun conference, however, he starts to get twitchy.

Sheila comes by to tell Chris that she is moving and asks him to help her pack, but he tells her he has a work thing. Emily tries her best, but for some reason still can’t make conversation with Sheila. After some prying about Gary acting odd, he tells Marny he wants a day off, and she agrees easily, telling him that he can have next Sunday. And then the pizza they ordered arrived, cancelling out Chris’ risotto.

At last it is Gary’s free Sunday. He wants to return bathing suits to the store, but Nick insists they must do something fun. He remembers that Chris has great seats to the Giants, and that they should go see a game, which makes Gary giddy with joy.

“This is what I wish for every time I hold my breath in a tunnel!”

Chris reluctantly admits that Sheila got the tickets in divorce. Nick suggests trading them for full custody of his son, and Gary will just give him one of his kids but that's no dice. They agree they have to go see Sheila to get the tickets.

Emily comes to see Marny, as Gary told to check up on her. Marny unfortunately says that she thinks that being a mother is easier than real work, offending her friend. But since it turns out she hasn’t fed her kids yet, she loses credibility.

At Sheila’s, she says she will give them the tickets—if they pack up her apartment, since she knows the work thing was fake. Nick realizes that her couch is the one he used to pass out on in college, and asks why she got all of Chris’ stuff. He says it’s because he took the high road, but she laughs that off and says it’s because she is a better negotiator and she would have gotten it all anyway. Pissed, Chris and Nick decide to take the couch. Gary tries to talk them out of it but when Sheila comes back in, and she informs Gary that he needs to repack (individually) 40 Madam Alexander dolls, Gary agrees to take couch.

They try to hustle it out, but Chris remembers that to get it in, the couch had to come in the window. They locate some rope and start to lower it down to Gary, but when Sheila comes back early, they let it fall and nearly kill him.

Sheila is thrilled to see her place packed up, and wants to give Gary the tickets personally. She goes down to him, as the boys haul the couch back up, until she heads back inside, and it drops again.

Success. Gary is yelling in excitement out the cab as they head to the game—Nick wants him to add that they got the couch back, while Chris that the high road is for chumps. Everything’s great until Gary gets a call from Marny for their medical insurance number. She’s at the emergency room. She insists everything is fine but Gary makes them turn the cab around anyway.

At the hospital, Marny is convinced that her son has Crohn’s Disease, but Gary asks him what he ate. He tells him grape jelly—all the jelly, because Marny forgot to feed them. Relieved that his son is all right, and realizing they can still make the game, Gary hugs his boy—who vomits grape jelly all down his back. Nick hooks him up with a hospital gown and they head back to catch the last 10 minutes of the game on television.

Gary confesses that he really just needed time away from his kids to realize how much he misses them. Also how much he misses pants. Marny apologizes to Emily for belittling the work she does as a mother, and Emily reassures her that she’s doing fine.

Chris tells Nick that he’s over the divorce, just like he’s over the couch, and it’s time for Nick to get over it too. That goes over fine, until Sheila comes by and reveals that her new apartment just happens to be in the same building.