Gun-Ban Be Damned, Madonna Takes Stage Packing Heat

Gun-Ban Be Damned, Madonna Takes Stage Packing Heat Why flout police warnings in questionable awkward taste of recent events? Because MADONNA, that's why!

Attention-whoring and s**t-stirring hopped the pond Saturday when Madonna took the stage in Scotland waving around fake machine guns and pistols .... despite authorities explicitly warning her not to do that, The Huffington Post reports.

Police in Murrayfield indeed warned her in advance not to brandish the prop firearms as planned, under the gun ban instituted following 1996's Dunblane massacre. She even cracked wise with the audience, warning that her show (her first in Scotland) may be "cut off." Anti-firearm lobbyists Mothers Against Gun went so far as to point out that the 53-year-old Grammy-winner "should know better."

No, ladies, It's never a question of whether or not she knows better. Madonna badger don't care. She do what she want.

Especially since authorities pledged absolutely no action against her whatsoever.

"Madonna and her dancers using replica guns was always in bad taste but given what happened in Colorado it is even worse," a MAG (...Oh, I see what you did there...) representative told the Saturday Morning Herald.

True, there's also ... that.

Yeah, this show did take place almost two full days after 24-year-old James E. Holmes stormed into an Aurora, Colo. movie theater early Friday morning premiering "The Dark Knight Rises" and opened fire, killing 12 and injuring 58 people. But hey, screw mourning and deference to tragedy. Why? Because MADONNA, F**K YEAH, that's why.

"Madonna would rather cancel her show than censor her art," a tour staff member told HuffPo. "Her entire career, she has fought against people telling her what she can and cannot do. She's not about to start listening to them now."

Why, yes. Those are my eyes you can hear rolling. Because that's clearly the most vital possible issue here: whether or not Madonna can or cannot have her honey-badger way. Don't many people outgrow that mentality by, oh, their twenties, let alone their fifties?