'Grey's Anatomy' Doc Patrick Dempsey Saves Kid from Crashed Car

'Grey's Anatomy' Doc Patrick Dempsey Saves Kid from Crashed Car He may not be a doctor, but he plays one on TV... and he also rescues kids from wrecked vehicles.

Patrick Dempsey, who is well known for his role as Dr. Shepherd (or McDreamy) on "Grey's Anatomy," played some real-life heroics over the weekend. A 17-year-old kid, Weston Massett, crashed his car near Dempsey's home in Malibu, ending up trapped inside as the car flipped over.

Dempsey reportedly ran out with a crowbar and pried the door open, helping Massett and another passenger to safety. Both were uninjured, so thankfully Dempsey didn't have to recreate any gruesome emergency surgery scenes from "Grey's."

This is one of a few stories of celebrity heroics we've seen of late. Ryan Gosling recently pulled a woman back to the curb when she nearly stepped in front of a moving cab in New York, and Kate Winslet, in one of the stranger stories of 2011, carried Richard Branson's 90-year-old mother out from a burning building.

It's hard to top Winslet's story, but Dempsey might have a leg up on Gosling, if only because of dialogue choices: according to Massett, when he opened his eyes and saw Dempsey, he asked, "Are you famous?" to which Dempsey replied, "I'm a doctor." NICE.

You can still see Dempsey on "Grey's Anatomy" for the time being, though his status for a ninth season is up in the air. Hey, if he ends up dropping out of the show, he may have a future as a paramedic.