The Gregory Brothers Songify The Best of Romney & Obama's Debate Premiere

The Gregory Brothers Songify The Best of Romney & Obama's Debate Premiere Few are the arenas in which auto-tuning makes everything better like a fresh coat of paint and the smell of freshly-baked cinnamon rolls.

Put it in the hands of YouTube's The Gregory Brothers, and even Wednesday night's dishwater-dull presidential debate between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama goes from dosing poor Jim Lehrer into a coma, to a head-nodding jam laced with WIN.

Romney's admission to his fondness for Big Bird aside, the Republican candidate was sometimes all over the place. Meanwhile, across the state, Obama appeared barely engaged at all. Even Lehrer looked a few times like he was probably recounting everything on his DVR that he'd rather be watching.

Amazing what a difference 12 hours and the effort to "Songify" the mundane will do.

Seriously, look at Barry and Mitt, just jammin' away. Even they look more interested. I propose that every presidential debate henceforth be conducted in the style of rap battles, to be moderated by Lupe Fiasco.

C'mon. Let me dream.