Got $30,000? Buy Your Own 'Game of Thrones' Iron Throne Replica

Got $30,000? Buy Your Own 'Game of Thrones' Iron Throne Replica Would you buy a $30,000 chair? How about if it was made from the swords of 1,000 vanquished enemies?

If you're a fan of HBO's hit fantasy series "Game of Thrones," then you probably already know what I'm referring to: the Iron Throne. Well, now you can have one too, and you don't have to birth any shadow assassins or lay siege to any cities in order to get it.

HBO is offering a full-size replica of the Iron Throne in their store. The throne stands just over seven feet tall and about five to six feet wide, and weighs a healthy 350 pounds. As you might be able to guess from that weight, it is not made of pure iron (that would fall straight through your floor). Rather, it is made of fiberglass and coated with a resin that the HBO store notes is fireproof. You know, in case of dragons.

The price tag is $30,000, with an extra $1,800 for shipping. Since it is a custom item, there are no returns, so forget about abdicating if kingship isn't for you.

But think about all the things you can do with your brand-new Iron Throne!  You can apparently beat prostitues to death, be a total dick to your fiancee and behead innocent men if you want to go the Joffrey route.

[DISCLAIMER: Do not actually do any of those things. Those are bad things.]