Episode Gossip Girl Season 4, Episode 14 - Panic Roommate (Watch Now) Recap

Image: CW The first half of the season was spent wondering why Juliet wanted to bring Serena down so badly.  With the help of Dan, Blair, Toxic Damien and the great state of Connecticut, we solved it.  Now we have to deal with Juliet's brother, Ben.  What exactly is Ben's motive for hanging around the girl responsible for his five-year incarceration?  Yes, Serena is gorgeous, but she is so frustratingly stupid.  So stupid that even Blair doesn't hang around her anymore, for fear that Serena's stupidity is contagious.

Because he feels guilty about what Lilly did, Rufus offered Ben a room at the Brooklyn loft.  Before telling Dan.  So you can imagine Dan's surprise when Ben's parole officer knocked on his door.  "Oh, hey.  You're going to live here and date my ex-girlfriend/step-sister?  Sounds good." Dan asked Rufus why the Humphrey men have to pay for Lilly's mistake.  Can't Ben shack up at her abode and sleep on the Frette sheets?  Maybe trade jail tales for a seat at brunch?

What broke my heart the most was Damien's misuse of Eric's feelings.  Eric was nothing more than collateral damage when it came to putting Ben back in jail.  It's obvious there is more to Ben and Damien's relationship than what we've seen so far.  Or am I just making things up?

Blair-the-Intern helped put together yet another W party (two for two), and one has to wonder how she feels about being on the other side of the guest list.

Instead of snatching a gift bag from the help, Blair had to transfer 650 of them a whole thirty blocks and five avenues to the new location.  How the mighty have (temporarily) fallen.

But one thing remains constant in Blair's ever-changing life: She and Chuck still click.  Though they don't love like they once did, Chuck and Blair make a great team. I need for Blair to hurry up and find out who she is so that she may become one again with Chuck.

Let's talk about how irritating Serena is, because she is using VERY poor judgment.  Yes, it's awful that your teacher (who you tried to seduce, BTW) was wrongfully accused of statutory rape.  And your mother should consider moving back to California because everyone in your family hates her.  But to try and start a relationship with Ben is such a bad idea.  And shame on Ben for sticking around to try and date the student whose mother put you him jail.  Take that job at the organic farm in Ithaca.  Sticking around Van der Boobies only means trouble.

Why hasn't Blair stepped in to knock Serena over the head with a shovel full of common sense?  Why did Dan back down once he found out that it wasn't Ben who punched Damien, but Damien who made Eric punch him so that they could frame Ben?  This guy is bad news, and your ex-girlfriend/step-sister is acting like a half-wit, Dan.