Who Is Going to Die in the Next 'Game of Thrones' Episode?

Who Is Going to Die in the Next 'Game of Thrones' Episode?

The folks at Unilad have a prediction for the penultimate episode of this season of Game of Thrones. We're skeptical. What do you think? Let us know in the comments below.

We’ve come to expect twists and turns in the second-to-last episode of every season, and judging by the preview for the episode, we are not about to be disappointed.

The episode is titled ‘Death Is The Enemy’, which could have a couple of meanings.

It could mean the obvious that the White Walkers and their band of not-so-merry men might just prove how all of the petty squabbles below the wall are daft compared to their impending evil?

What it might be, is a clue to an awful lot of death coming in the season to come?

But the preview for the episode throws some clues that we might be losing at least one character next week.

If you look closely at the preview, you'll see Jon and his fellowship beyond the wall, kicking seven shades of shit out of some White Walkers.

What you'll also see, if you have beady eyes, is The Hound dishing it out with Gendry's hammer.

This begs the question - what on earth is Gendry doing without his hammer when they're fighting the undead?

Unless he isn't going to be needing it because he himself has succumbed to the Night King?

Seems silly doesn't it, why reintroduce him into the show only to kill him an episode later?

But there's another clue -  in one of the shots from the preview, we can see a bunch of them cold dead fuckers chasing Jon and the rest of his boy band.

Check out the whole story at Unilad.