'Glee' Season 4, Episode 14: 'I Do' Recap

'Glee'  Season 4, Episode 14: 'I Do' RecapGlee’: season 4, episode 14: ‘I Do’

Rachel comes to town for the wedding, and Finn tells her that he kissed Emma. She urges him not to tell Will. She tells him to just be supportive for Emma and Will.

In her office, Emma panics about the seating chart. Her OCD is getting worse. Finn says he wants to help her, but she says if he wants to help, he needs to stay as far away as possible.

Will stops in for a Glee Club rehearsal, saying he’s back for good. He assigns the Glee Club to do the music for the reception, and asks Finn to sing in lieu of a speech.

Emma tells Artie that her niece Betty will be there for the wedding and sitting next to him. She feels the need to warn him about her large breasts.

Marley gives Jake a pair of cufflinks for the wedding as a Valentine’s day present. He says she’ll love the gift he got her, but he hasn’t actually gotten one yet. He said he asked his brother Puck for help, but Ryder points out that all his ideas were creepy. Ryder tells him to forget about Valentine’s Day and make it a Valentine’s Week.

In the auditorium, Finn waits for Rachel, and asks for help picking his solo for his best man’s speech/song. She says they’ll do a duet, and she can take the lead.

In history class, Ryder is acting jittery and Marley notices. He tries to brush it off, trying not to ruin the surprise as Jake walks in with the band. Ryder and the other Glee boys join him in wooing her. They sing “You’re All I Need to Get By” by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell with the help of Marley. She loves it.

At the wedding, Santana and Quinn complain about being single at weddings and Valentine’s day. Quinn says she hates men.

Artie arrives and instantly flirts with Betty. She shoots him down really quick. She says she doesn’t date losers in wheelchairs, despite being in a wheelchair herself.

Jake surprises Marley with her favorite flowers in a pew, which were planted there by Ryder.

Outside the church, Blaine and Kurt get hot and heavy in the back of a Prius. They are interrupted by Mercedes, who ushers them into the church.

Emma begins to panic, and Sue Sylvester shows up wearing a wedding gown as well (for some reason.)

Will and Emma (with the aid of Mercedes) begin to sing “(Not) Getting Married Today” from “Company” and Emma flees the church and hails a cab.

Sue Sylvester takes her place and jauntily walks down the aisle, in her gown, and informs Will that Emma has left.

Will and Finn try and figure out what she left, but Will knows that it’s because he left all the planning to her, and it wasn’t fair to her. Santana interrupts, and asks what do to about the reception, and Will says for them to go on ahead with it. He has to go find Emma.

At the party, Quinn and Santana flirt, and all the other Glee kids pair off. Jake thanks Ryder for all his help in wooing Marley. He mentions that he’s totally getting laid that night, and Ryder doesn’t think she’s ready for that. Ryder swallows his pride and smiles for the couple.

Blaine and Kurt sing “Just Can’t Get Enough” by Depeche Mode to liven up the party, and Rachel tells Finn that Emma didn’t leave because of him. To distract him, she asks him to dance.

Artie tries again with Betty, and she continues to shoot him down, but he convinces her to agree to one dance.

Tina confronts Kurt about the way he treats Blaine, but Kurt puts her in her places, telling her she’s hagged out, and it’s getting creepy. She also lets it slip that she “vapo-raped” Blaine when he was ill. Kurt follows her out, conversation not over.

Sue takes the stage saying that Emma left behind her bouquet as she fled, so to follow tradition, she was going to toss the bouquet. She tosses it, and Rachel catches it.

Finn approaches Rachel and says that only single girls line up to catch the bouquet, and Rachel points out that she is single. Finn spouts off a love-flower allegory, asking how she can live with Brody yet claim she’s single. Finn says he thinks she can’t commit to Brody because she’s still in love with him.

They go to the stage and sing their duet. “We’ve Got Tonite” by Bob Seger. During the song, there’s a montage of various Glee couples hooking up. Rachel and Finn. Kurt and Blaine. Marley and Jake. Quinn and Santana. Artie and Betty.

In the awkward post-sex conversations… Blaine tells Kurt that they’re back together, no matter what Kurt says. Quinn says she enjoyed being with a woman, but it was probably a one-time thing. Santana proposes a round two. Artie and Betty make jokes about how they couldn’t feel what they did. And Marley and Jake never actually hooked up, she didn’t feel right doing it. Finn is in a sex-coma, and Rachel leaves him behind.

She heads back to New York, and Brody surprises her with a Valentine’s Day themed apartment. He suspects Rachel was out kissing someone, since she was kissing differently. She says that they’re in an open relationship, so it doesn’t matter, and admits to being with Finn. She asks him who he was with, and he says he stayed home the whole time. But a cutaways reveals him leaving a hotel room, with extra money in his hands.

In the school, Tina apologizes to Kurt for yelling at him. Blaine and Kurt tell Tina that they’re all just friends, and they’ve all experienced unrequited love before. They invite her to a movie, and she embraces her fag-hagdom.

Marley thanks Ryder for helping Jake to woo her. He admits that he did it for himself to get her, and kisses her, but she freaks out and walks away.

In the teacher’s lounge, Finn confronts Will about his moping about. He tells him he has to get out there and fight for Emma. He can’t give up. He gives him a pep talk.

In the school, Betty approaches Artie and apologizes for being so mean to him. And then thanks him for the “great night” they had. He asks for her phone number, because he wants to take her out for a date.

The New Directions, featuring Marley, Artie, and Jake sing “Anything Could Happen” by Ellie Goulding for Will and Finn.

Will is distracted, looking at pictures of Emma throughout the song. In New York, Rachel realizes something is off with her “monthly schedule”, and takes a pregnancy test. The screen fades to black.